Los principios básicos de comics xxx

At its very core, Multporn is about hentai doujins. There are tons of updates weekly when it comes to the doujins, and you Chucho bet your ass they’re English-translated. Sadly most of them are pixelated, since they come from Japan and shit.

Now, there will be ads on the main comic page. It’s nothing too bad. You’ll have to fend off a few pop-ups and banners, but that’s it. It was surprisingly minimal. And none of the ads tried to take you to any crap pages or force downloads.

This site has all of the makings of becoming one of the best comic sites pasado there. Seriously, this site shows a ton of promise. Campeón long Campeón they stick to their guns and don’t try to fuck with any of the fundamentals of the site, they’ll be fucking golden.

They should also look into building a community. Multporn is basically a content dump site at this point, but I see a lot of potential for more user interactivity.

Overall, Multporn suffers from not having a clear focus. It’s great that they have all this porn, but what do they specialize in? What should I be focusing on?

How is it that the most basic forms of porn often end up being the most expensive? I’m talking about printed shit. Magazines, comics, doujinshi, and any other physical media that you cucks could think of. I’ve seen smut shops charge hundreds for single volumes. Hell, most physical copies of doujinshi will run you at least 15-20 bucks a pop, especially if you’re getting them shipped in from the waifu-filled land of Japan.

I also like how Multporn categorizes its porn, namely, through the gallery of series. I’m constantly running into shit that inspires me to fap to it, and the pics they use for the thumbnails are awesome.

Ever wanted to see a female version of Yugi from the "Yu-Gi-Ho!" franchise dual monsters and later beat her double lady lips? They’ve got that. So if "parody" is your thing, nHentai might appeal to you.

Keep in mind that this place focuses a lot on Rule 34. Most of the time, you’ll be browsing based on franchise, not genres or categories.

You Chucho still download comics and doujinshi without issue, though you’ll need a mobile zip file extractor. But you nerds shouldn’t have any issues getting your hands on one.

Oh yeah, and there are over twenty-seven thousand entries tagged with hardcore porn. I'm not sure whether to wank it to some of this shit or send it to a team of psychologists and sociologists.

That’s right, nHentai has a whole free community chat feature comics porno just for cartoon porn. There are also plans to allow users to upload and edit their galleries.

n Hentai (English) was made by the same people who designed ExHentai.org and Pururin, which makes it one of the more well endowed sultry sites, and certainly one of the most unique. With just a quick scan through, you’ll find a bevy of cartoon cunts, busty beauties, and some of the most bizarre fetish fantasies every dreamed up and put to paper.

And every fat degenerate’s favorite My Little Pony? There are tons of little ponies getting raped the fuck pasado at Multporn. Personally, I Chucho’t say I’m into the equine pussy.

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